Healing Properties of Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice we have know for over 5000 years for its medicinal properties and taste. Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka is taken from the many species of the laurel tree. rue cinnamon comes from the C. zeylanicum tree, but most cinnamon produced today is from the C. Cassia tree. The spice is taken from the tender shoots of the tree and when dried it curls up into a tube. Now this plant is widely grow all over the tropics.
The Romans burned it during their funerals; the Egyptians drank it as well as used it in the embalming process and before refrigeration. It was used in meats to mask the smell of decay as well as to retard the growth of bacteria.
Nutritional content of:
Nutritional value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 247 Kcal 12%
Carbohydrates:50.59 g-39%, Protein:3.99 g-7%, Total Fat:1.24 g-4.5%, Cholesterol:0 mg-0%, Dietary Fibre:53.1 g-133%, Vitamin. Folates:6 µg-1.5%, Niacin:1.332 mg-8%, Pantothenic acid:0.358 mg-7%, Pyridoxine:0.158 mg-12%, Riboflavin:0.041 mg-3%, Thiamin:0.022 mg-2%, Vitamin A:295 IU-10%, Vitamin C:3.8 mg-6%, Vitamin E:10.44 mg-70%, Vitamin K:31.2 µg-26%, Electrolytes:Sodium:10 mg-<1%, Potassium:431 mg-9%, Minerals: Calcium:1002 mg-100%, Copper:0.339 mg-38%, Iron :8.32 mg-104%
Magnesium:60 mg-15%, Manganese:17.466 mg-759%, Phosphorus:64 mg-9%, Zinc:1.83 mg-17%
Zinc . Phyto-nutrient : Carotene-ß-112 µg, Crypto-xanthin-ß:129 µg, Lutein-zeaxanthin:222 µg, Lycopene:15 µg.
Culinary uses: Cinnamon is generally used in preparation of many popular dishes. In Asian and Chinese cooking cinnamon along with other spicy is used to marinate chicken, fish and meats.
In Indian cooking cinnamon is used to flavour their vegetarian and chicken curries and rice dishes (biriyani) they contain small amounts of grounded powder. In the Middle East, it is used in meat and rice dishes.
Cinnamon is also used in the preparation of soups, barbecue sauces, pickling and as one of the ingredients in variety of curry powders.
The bark is widely used as a spice. It is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavouring base. It's used in the preparation of chocolate and in some kinds of desserts, such as cinnamon-apple pie and cinnamon buns as well as pastries, bagels, sweet rolls, spicy candies, tea, hot cocoa, and liqueurs. It is recommended to keep the fragrance and flavour, cinnamon should be ground just before preparing dishes and added at the last moment in the cooking recipes, because prolonged cooking results in evaporation of essential oils.
Healing Properties:
Cinnamon is know to be anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti microbial and clotting properties. Used after childbirth to reduce haemorrhage. It has been shown to suppress e.coli, staphylococcus and candida albican. The essential oil, eugenol, has been in therapeutic use in dentistry as a local anaesthetic and antiseptic for teeth and gum.
Eugenol also has been found to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, but further detailed studies required to establish its benefits.
The extraction from the sticks (de-concoction) is sometimes used in treating flatulence and indigestion in traditional medicine.
It is these phenols that give cinnamon its powerful antiseptic capabilities. According to The Healing Herbs, cinnamon can kill bacteria as well as fungi and viruses. I have used cinnamon for just this purpose. On scratches and small burns, I have sprinkled cinnamon over the injury to eliminate the possibility of infection.
The spice is used in traditional medicines to stave off common cold and oxidant stress conditions.
Recently, it has been studied for it’s ability to boost brain power as well as reduce blood clotting and its healing effects on the heart and colon. New research shows it might also be helpful for people with type 2 diabetes.
Some ailments cinnamon is said to relive include digestive upset, congestion, menstrual problems, stiff joints and muscles. It has been used as a pain reliever as well. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce arthritis pain and is said to help cure urinary tract infections. Some studies indicate it may fight tooth decay and gum disease. It also has powerful anti-microbial properties that can kill bacteria (one of the reasons it was used hundreds of years ago to help preserve meat).
Arthritis: In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon cinnamon powder before breakfast, they found that within a week out of the 200 people so treated practically 73 patients were totally relieved of pain and within a month, mostly all the patients who could not walk or move around because of arthritis started walking without pain.
Brain Tonic: Cinnamon is know to boot the activity of the brain and acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss. Research at the Wheeling Jesuit University in the US has proved that the aroma of cinnamon has the ability to boost brain activity. The team of researchers led by Dr. P. Zoladz found that people who were cinnamon improved their scored on cognitive activities such as attention processes, virtual recognition memory, working memory, and visual-motor response speed.
Blood Purification: Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Cinnamon aids in the circulation of blood due to the presence of a blood thinning compound in it. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the cells of the body leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.
CHOLESTEROL:It was found that when patients took Two tablespoons of honey, three teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder mixed in 16 ounces of green tea, was found to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. Arthritic patients, taking the mix 3 times a day for their pains, also found that their chronic cholesterol was lowered.
COLDS:Those suffering chronic colds should take one tablespoon warm honey mix with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder taken daily for 3 days will cure most cough, colds and sinus problems.
Digestive Problems:Cinnamon is good to prevent nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea because It stimulates digestion. A tablespoon of cinnamon powder in warm water, can be used for colds and taken half an hour after meals, should relieves flatulence and indigestion.
INFERTILITY: A couple in Maryland, USA,who had no children for 14 years and had lost hope of having a child of their own, was told about cinnamon and honey. Husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon daily, the wife conceived after a few months and had twins at full term.
In Ayurvedic Medicine the use of honey and cinnamon has been known for thousands of years, It was used to strengthen the semen. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoon of honey before going to sleep, to raise their libido. Women who cannot conceive may take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on their gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva to increase the absorption.This is to strengthen their uterus and increase their chances of falling pregnant.
Other Ailments:Cinnamon is highly beneficial in the treatment of several other ailments, including spasmodic afflictions, asthma, paralysis, excessive menstruation, uterus disorders and gonorrhoea. It is sometimes used as a prophylactic agent, to control German measles.
TOOTHACHE:Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, five teaspoons of honey mix with Oil of Clove and apply on the aching tooth. This may be applied 3 times a day till the tooth stops aching.
Type 2 Diabetes: Which is a condition also know as Insulin resistant, cinnamon is known as the miracle herb that produces insulin and assist the receptors to do their job of getting the sugars to enter the cell.
1. Rub a drop or two of Cinnamon essential oil mixed in carrier oil to calm spasms of the digestive tract or indigestion or nausea
2. Add a drop of Cinnamon essential oil to a dried flower arrangement or pot pourri to spice up the home. Researchers found just having the scent in a room helps to reduces drowsiness, irritability and the pain and frequency of headaches.
3. Cinnamon essential oil can be used in cooking. It also increases the action of enzymes that break down food in the body, aiding in the metabolic process.
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