Medicinal Qualities of Onion
Onions names: Allium is the onion genus, with more than 600 plus species, which makes it one of the largest plant genera in the world. Onion was highly respected in the Ancient Egyptian civilization. At well-known “Sham EL Neseem” festival, when fish and onions are eaten to celebrate the coming of spring .
Onion Types: There are many different varieties and colours of onion, red, yellow, white, and green, each having their own unique flavour, from very strong to mild and sweet. Onions can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, dried or roasted and are commonly used to flavor dips, salads, soups, spreads, stir-fry and other dishes. A variety of onions known as Calçot Cocktail onion, Pearl onion, Potato onion, Red onion, Scallion, Shallot, Sweet onion ,Tree onion, Twinleaf onion, Vidalia onion, Welsh onion, White onion, Yellow onion and many more. Under the rules of botanical nomenclature, both the Egyptian onion and Wakegi onion should be one hybridogenic species, having the same parent species. The Egyptian onion is named Allium ×proliferum Eurasian Group and the Wakegi onion is named Allium ×proliferum, East Asian Group Common onion group (var. cepa) and the Welsh onion was known as the cibol. The name "Welsh onion" has become a misnomer in modern English, asAllium fistulosum is not indigenous to Wales. "Welsh" preserves the original meaning of the Old English word "welisc", or Old German "welsche", meaning "foreign" (compare wal- in "walnut", of the same etymological origin). The species possibly originated in Asia, Siberia or China. In Wales, the spring onion has a dialectal variation, jibbons or sibwns (pronounced 'shiboons') which originates from the French 'ciboule.'
The Welsh onion is an ingredient in Asian cuisine, especially in East and Southeast Asia. It is particularly important in China, Japan, and Korea, hence the other English name for this plant, 'Japanese bunching onion'. Bulb onions were introduced to East Asia in the 19th century, but Allium fistulosum remains more popular and widespread.
In Japan onions are used in miso soup, negimaki (beef and scallion rolls), among others, and it is widely sliced up and used as a garnish, such as on teriyaki or takoyaki.
Jamaica, the Welsh onion is an ingredient in Jamaican cuisine, in combination with thyme, scotch bonnet pepper, garlic and allspice (called pimenta). Recipes with escallion sometimes suggest leek as a substitute in salads. Jamaican dried spice mixtures using escallion are available commercially. The Jamaican name is probably a variant of scallion, the term used loosely for the spring onion and various other plants in the genus Allium.
Allium fistulosum L. (Welsh onion, Japanese bunching onion) is a perennial onion. Other names applied to this plant include green onion, spring onion, escallion, and salad onion. These names are ambiguous, as they may be used to refer to any young green onion stalk, whether grown from Welsh onions, common bulb onions, or a similar members of the genus Allium. (see scallion) The species is very similar in taste and odor to the related bulb onion, Allium cepa, and hybrids between the two (tree onions) exist. The Welsh onion, however, does not develop bulbs, and possesses hollow leaves ("fistulosum" means "hollow") and scapes. Large varieties of the Welsh onion resemble the leek, such as the Japanese 'negi', whilst smaller varieties resemble chives. it is also grown in a bunch as an ornamental plant. Welsh onions are used in Russia during the spring for adding green leaves to their salads. In the West, the Welsh onion are primarily used as scallion or salad onion, and is widely used in other parts of the world, particularly East Asia to flavour their meals. There is a the story of the Israelites longing for Onions asked Moses to pray to GOD asking for onions and other plants
The tree onion or Egyptian onion produces bulblets in the flower head instead of flowers, and is now known to be a hybrid of Allium cepa × A. fistulosum. It has previously been treated as a variety of A.cepa, for example A. cepa var. proliferum, A. cepa var. bulbiferum, and A. cepa var. viviparum.
Onions chemical compounds: It also contains the minerals Potassium , Phosphorus, Calcium ,Magnesium, Sodium and Selenium. Also contains small amounts of iron, manganese, copper and zinc. The onion is about 85-90% water, 7-10% carbohydrate, 1-2% protein and about .33% fat. Its an Excellent vitamin source, A, B, C, also a source of potassium, magnesium, silica and calcium. About 100 g. of onion equals roughly 30 calories. Onion and other Allium vegetables are characterized by their rich content of thiosulfinates, sulfides, sulfoxides, and other odoriferous sulfurcompounds. The cysteine sulfoxides are primarily responsible for the onion flavor and produce the eye-irritating compounds that induce lacrimation (tears) The thiosulfinates exhibit antimicrobial properties.
Suggested uses of Onions:
Onions baked - An important ingredient in quiches, onion pies, meat and vegetable pies, casseroles or by itself.
Onions boiled - In stew and soup taste because of addition of onion? Take Small onions gently boiled whole, until still firm, then turned in butter and baked until done, is a accompaniment to meat or vegetarian dishes. Consider the famous French Onion Soup! Parboil small pearl onions boiled for barely a minute which allows the outer skin to be removed easily.
Onions braised - Along with meats, or prepare a sauce. recommended cooking slow is optimal which release the full flavour and sweetness.
Onions cooked - most dishes recommend onions as an important ingredient to enhance its flavour.
Onion confit - Thin slices of onion cut lengthways and cook slowly in little fat or oil in not too high temperature until transparent, is an optimal method to taste the best flavor the onion has to offer.
Onions fried - Fry the sliced onions Until brown to dark brown, ( not burnt) use to top meats, garnish grains or vegetarian dishes. In the East they use fried onions on the top the fried rice and add extra flavor to the dish. Also thick rings dipped in batter and deep fried or used in tempura - they retain a firmness and light crunch. Deep fried Onion rings.
Onions raw - For use in salads, red onions or other mild onions such as shallots, spring (green) onions. chopped or sliced onion and soak in cold water for at least 15 minutes to tame the bite, if you don't want a strong bite.
Onions roasted - Roasted onions on meat Quabili Pallow (Ghabali Polo) brings extra taste to the special meal.
A traditional addition roasts of all kinds, and as part of a roast vegetable dish.
Onion salad - Finely sliced rings of yellow or green to white part mixed with raw salad vegetable, fruits like apple, avocado, toasted walnuts cashew or other nuts, just tossed with any salad seasoned with olive oil lemon juice and a hint of spice.
Onions sautéed - onions sautéed In butter, oil or water or broth sautéed ('sweated') until tender and golden is the traditional starting point.
Onion with vegetables - added to almost all vegetables, bean sprout, cauliflower, broccoli or other vegetables. a little sautéed minced onion added converts a bland sauce into a delicious one.
Majority of cultivars grow onions for bulbs. Salad onions, and pickling onions belong to thisgroup.The range of diversity found among these cultivars includes variation in photoperiod (length of day that triggers bulbing), storage life, flavour, and skin colour. Common onions range from the pungent varieties used for dried soups and onion powder to the mild and hearty sweet onions, such as the Vidalia from Georgia, USA, or Walla Walla from Washington that can be sliced and eaten raw on a sandwich instead of meat.
The Wakegi onion is also known to be a hybrid between A. cepa and A. fistulosum, with the A. cepaparent believed to be from the Aggregatum Group of cultivars. Its been grown for centuries in Japanand China for use as a salad onion.
Removing the smell of Onion
Enthusiastic cooks never worry about the smell of garlic or onion on their hands. If you are worried about it, then rub a cut lemon on your hands. Rub the juice and pulp between your hands for a few minutes then rinse, the lemon trick works well.
Medicinal uses: When you slice or chop and onion, you experience a runny nose, watery eyes, burning eyelids, nose and mouth and other symptoms. These are the symptoms that onions can alleviate when we use onions as medicine. Onion can be used as a diuretic, expectorant and antiseptic. Onions are very beneficial for people trying to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, and some infections. They appear to be effective against colds, coryza, heart disease, diabetes, and otherinflammatory conditions, anticholesterol, and anticancer remedy.
Onions contain many active compounds that appear to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, it help combat heart disease, inhibit strokes, lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and also stimulates the immune system. Alliums is also antibacterial and anti-fungal. Onions can relieve stomach upset & other gastrointestinal disorders. A combination of Garlic and Onions help prevent thrombosis and reduce hypertension, according to the American Heart Association. The natural constituents of yellow or white Onions is known to raise HDL ( the good) cholesterol over time. Egyptians numbered over 8000 onion-alleviated ailments. They were fed together with garlic to workers building pyramids and were found in the tomb of King Tut. The esteemed Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed Onions as a diuretic, wound healer and pneumonia fighter. Onions is well reputed to relieve symptoms of: Coryza and acrid nasal discharge,Eyes – burning, smarting, sensitive to light, watery, red, sensitive to touch, Nose – profuse watery discharge with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriation, Feeling of a lump at root of nose, Thread like pains in the face, Neuralgic pains like a fine thread.
Onions have a variety of medicinal effects. Early American settlers used wild onions to treat colds, coughs, and asthma, and to repel insects. In Chinese medicine, onions have been used to treat angina, coughs, bacterial infections, and breathing problems.
Onions contain a number of sulfides similar to those found in garlic which may lower blood lipids and blood pressure.
In India, communities, due to religious belief, never consumed onions or garlic have found that blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels are substantially higher, and blood clotting times shorter, than the communities that ate liberal amounts of garlic and onions. Onions are a rich source of flavonoids, substances known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease. Onions are also naturalanticlotting agents since they possess substances with fibrinolytic activity and can suppress platelet-clumping. The anticlotting effect of onions closely correlates with their sulfur content.
Onions are also a very rich source of fructo-oligosaccharides. These oligomers stimulate the growth of healthy bifidobacteria and suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria in the colon. In addition, they can reduce the risk of tumors developing in the colon.
Onions to prevent Cancer
Onion extracts, rich in a variety of sulfides, have found to provide some protection against tumorgrowth. In central Georgia where Vidalia onions are grown, mortality rates from stomach cancer are about one-half the average level for the United States. Studies in Greece have shown a high consumption of onions, garlic and other allium herbs to be protective against stomach cancer.
Its been found that the Chinese with the highest intake of onions, garlic, and other Allium vegetables have 40 percent less stomach cancer, than those who do not consume them. Elderly Dutch men and women with the highest onion consumption (at least one-half onion/day) had a 50% lower level of stomach cancer compared with those consuming no onions at all.
Ayurveda: The Ayurvedic texts recommend the use of onions and turmeric, in sciatica, arthritis and diseases which involve bones, joints and the peripheral nervous system. A poultice of onion and herbs reduce swelling and pain in joints and hard abscess. Applying the juice of onion is recommended for dark spots and patches which appear on face. Also Onion juice is recommended for earache and blurred vision. Onion rejuvenate the liver, assist digestion, relieve constipation and increase the appetite. Use of Onions for alleviating piles, constipation and jaundice
White onions will reduce bleeding and help all bleeding disorders. Hence it is used in bleeding piles and nose bleeds.
Onions are used to reduce cough, help in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male infertility. It can also helps to raise the libido, and increase the quality and quantity of semen. Apply onion juice to the skin to relieves the itch. The simple and plentiful humble Onion with so many medicinal qualities which have stood the test of time.
Nelson Brunton
Natural Healing Centre
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